
Money Saving Hacks for Aquarium Keeping

Rahim Mohamed 0 Comments

Facebook Groups If you haven’t joined any aquarium related Facebook groups, you’re missing out. Most areas have a fishkeeping community active on Facebook full of hobbyists who trade equipment, fish, coral, and more. Being active in these groups will allow you to find the best deals while becoming more involved in the community! Discounted...
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Choosing the Right Aquarium Substrate

Rahim Mohamed 0 Comments

If you’re just dipping your toes in the aquarium hobby, then it’s not long before you encounter hobbyists who will die by gravel or sand. Each party will give you a multitude of reasons as to why you couldn’t possibly be successful with the opposer. This limited thinking excludes the benefits that sand and...
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Choosing, Planting and Taking care of Flora

Rahim Mohamed 0 Comments

A planted freshwater aquarium is more than just beautiful. Freshwater plants have endless benefits to an aquarium and its inhabitants. With the correct plants, fish, and invertebrates an aquarium you can replicate a pond, river, or stream in your home or business.  With the correct equipment and knowledge, freshwater can be simple and easy...
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Aquarium Filtration Methods and Options

Rahim Mohamed 0 Comments

Filtration is commonly referred to as the heart of an aquarium, and we would agree. Running the proper filtration for your aquarium is vital to its functionality and health. Luckily for hobbyists, there are many filtration systems to choose from! Before we jump into the different types of filters, let's break down why you need...
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Guild to Acclimating new Fish

Rahim Mohamed 0 Comments

Excited about your new fish and want to give them a smooth transition into their new home? Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to acclimate new fish into your aquarium. Every store will have different water parameters, and it is important to slowly introduce your new addition into your aquarium. Some differences  to note...
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Guide of Water Changes

Rahim Mohamed 0 Comments

Excited about your new fish and want to give them a smooth transition into their new home? Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to acclimate new fish into your aquarium. Every store will have different water parameters, and it is important to slowly introduce your new addition into your aquarium. Some differences  to note...
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Use of Potassium Permanganate to Control External Infections of Ornamental Fish

Rahim Mohamed 0 Comments

Introduction Many disease problems of ornamental fish begin as external infections. If uncontrolled, the infections may become systemic, resulting in death of the fish. Correct use of potassium permanganate can effectively control many bacterial, parasitic and fungal agents before systemic infections become established, often eliminating the need for antibiotic therapy. The fish owner saves...
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